This Sunday is Easter, and that means regardless of your personal beliefs, you are most likely joining with family and friends for what is one of the biggest meal occasions of the year. And what are most going to serve ...

With the first two games in the books already, Duke Cannon thinks it’s fitting to take a look at of the most enduring, and lengthiest, stretches of the calendar year—Major League Baseball season. So grab your favorite ratty ballcap (that ...

Saint Patrick’s Day is but a few wee days from now, and that means the streets will soon be awash with lads and lasses whirling about with a puckish glee. OK, that’s enough of that—the point is, St. Patrick’s Day ...

This Sunday, all the glitz and pageantry of the 96th Annual Academy Awards will air on televisions across the world. And painful musical numbers aside, we always tune in and manage to enjoy the proceedings. But it has occurred to ...

It is known that Duke Cannon is a busy man who finds reward in long hours. And though we do take a well-earned breather on occasion, we are also firm believers in the old adage “idle hands are the devil’s ...

Duke Cannon is generally not known as a man of the links (unless you’re talking about breakfast sausage, in which case we’re rabid enthusiasts). But occasionally someone—an old friend, estranged uncle, etc.—will invite us out for a round of golf at their country club, and we feel obligated to accept. In the event you’re scheduled to be part of ...

When the dog days of summer descend on Duke Cannon country, you will most often find us wetting a line at the local lake, reservoir, quarry, river, or estuary. And while we see fishing as much-loved R&R, there are some ...

There was a time when young Duke Cannon thought all his summers would be an endless Huckleberry Finn-esque adventure, filled with nothing but things like DIY bike ramp construction and the pursuit of the Spy Hunter high score at the local arcade. ...

As every hard-working fellow knows, pants take a beating. Knees give out, hems gets frayed, and so on. And when this happens, you need to get some new pants. But it is with a heavy heart that we inform you ...

Late summer is upon us, which means the mosquitos are fat and happy. It also means that it’s relentlessly hot outside. But not just any heat; the kind of oppressive August heat and soggy humidity that drives sensible men into ...