Late summer is upon us, which means the mosquitos are fat and happy. It also means that it’s relentlessly hot outside. But not just any heat; the kind of oppressive August heat and soggy humidity that drives sensible men into cool basements to watch reruns of Lee Majors television programs. That’s right—the dog days of summer are officially here.
But seeing as how we are such big fans of the canine species; we couldn’t help but wonder if this shopworn phrase is perhaps a tad unfair to man’s best friend. So because absolutely no one asked us to, here are some more hound-friendly options for renaming that summertime stretch of long and sultry days.
- Days of Wine and Garden Hoses
- Deer Stand Scouting Season
- Smallmouth Bass on Big Deer Hair Poppers Days
- They’re Still Playing Baseball
- The Northern Hemisphere Impersonates Hades
- Leaves of Dead Grass
- Tailgate Prep
- No Need to Mow August
- Turn! Turn! Turn! (Into Midwinter)
- Calgary Dreamin’
- Soggy Bottom Days
- It’s Darn Tootin’ Sweltry Out There
- The Tar is Melting on the Highway
- This Too Shall Pass
Source link: by Zeb Pirkey at