8 Types of Natural Survival Medicine
1. Wild Bergamot
You are going to want to keep this herb in mind for first aid purposes as well as for other benefits. Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) contains antioxidants in the form of carvacrol. Plus, this plant also has worm-expelling, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties. I told you that you’d want to have some of this around.
How To Use It:
The leaves from Wild Bergamot can be used to brew a tea. The tea can treat various ailments including colic, fevers and colds, insomnia, upset stomach and internal parasites. It also smells pretty good.
2. Burdock
This happens to be one of those plants that serve more than one main purpose. Both the Common Burdock and Great Burdock (Actium species) have been proven to be excellent sources of medicine as well as food.
How To Use It:
The roots can be brewed into a tea that can purify blood, act as a diuretic and provide relief from indigestion, liver and kidney issues, gout, rheumatism as well as gonorrhea – just in case your adventure in the wild takes a wild turn. The roots of these herbs contain high concentrations of inulin which can assist with treating diabetes. There are also anti bacterial compounds in the roots and they are believed to also provide anti-cancer properties. But that’s not all. The leaves of Burdock can be mixed into a poultice to treat sores, burns and ulcers.
3. Dandelion
There is a reason why these yellow herbs provide the first food of the year to bees and insects. That’s because they are packed with powerful health benefits that make this easy to identify ‘weed’ one of your best friends in the forest.
How To Use It:
Dandelion (taraxacum officinale) root tea treats a number of ailments including kidney, bladder, gall bladder and liver disorders. The root is believed to be hypoglycemic and contain antibiotic properties that fight yeast infections. Plus, the diuretic properties contained within this plant can help to relieve constipation.
4. Yarrow
You know the saying about not judging a book by its cover? Well, yarrow (Achillea millefolium) falls into this category because it happens to be far more than just a beautiful flower with a strong scent.
How To Use It:
Brewing a tea from the dried flower can be effective in treating fevers, colds, indigestion, internal bleeding and bloating. Properties found in yarrow include expectorant, analgesic and sweat-inducing which all hint at treating fevers and colds. When mixed as a poultice, this herb can stop bleeding. There is one important note to keep in mind about this plant: do not use it for long periods of time and use it sparingly. The compound thujone is found in trace amounts in yarrow and is considered toxic.
5. Echinacea
You’ve likely heard of this one. You may even have supplements that contain traces of this natural survival medicine plant. As they are hardy and can resist dry conditions, you’ll be able to find Echinacea (Echinacea pupurea) in prairie locations.
How To Use It:
This plant is probably best known as assisting with immune system health which is why it is a frequent ingredient in cold and flu medications. It is also effective when used to treat insect bites and stings, burns, wounds and sores.
6. Sage
One of the things that make this plant stand out is that it can grow in adverse conditions. For example, sage is common on dry banks or rocky locations as it can grow and spread without the need for a lot of soil.
How To Use It:
Known historically as a treatment for indigestion, Sage (Salvia officinalis) can be a huge benefit if you are in the woods trying to survive for any length of time. That’s because it has properties that assist in reducing excessive salivation and perspiration. As for healing properties, sage is an effective use to treat ulcers, sore throats and mouth infections.
7. Aloe Vera
You should already have some basic knowledge about this handy plant. It is easy to find near water in sand or rocks and the goop you find inside the leaves is the magical potion you are after.
How To Use It:
The thick, stiff, pointy leaves can be cut or snapped to release a clear gel. This can be spread directly on skin to treat burns and wounds. In fact, aloe vera (Aloe vera) is known to speed up the healing process. The sap that can be located at the very base of the leaves is a laxative and can assist with stimulating digestion.
8. Jewel Weed
I’ve purposely saved the best for last. If you are in need of an actual ‘secret weapon’ that’ll save the day when wandering out in the woods, camping, hiking or hunting. Then Jewel Weed is that very item. It is of particular importance in case you forgot your first aid kit in the camper or leave it sitting on the kitchen counter. Jewel weed (Impatiens capensis) will save your bacon.
How To Use It:
Where do we start? Jewel weed leaves are packed with the compound lawsone which happens to contain anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties. Oh, but it gets better. The plant can be mixed into a poultice that can treat poison ivy rashes. Where Jewel weed scores top marks is that it has historically been a folk medicine used to treat ringworm, warts, sores, sprains, insect bites, cuts, burns, eczema and bruises. Didn’t I say that this was your secret weapon? Now you know why.
Turning Your Natural Survival Medicine Into Tea
You’ve probably noticed that most of the medicinal plants listed here are effective when brewed into a tea. Well, here’s a video showing a few of these and other great “wild” teas that are not only good for you nutritiously, but also provide you with health benefits in the form of various medicine:
Natural Survival Medicine Conclusion
The above medicinal plants are typically common in most of North America. If you happen to reside elsewhere on the planet, it would be a good idea to visit your local library to read up on what varieties of medicinal plants exist where you are. Ultimately, your goal is to properly identify the plants so that you can make informed decisions when you are on an outdoor excursion. Once you are able to do this correctly, you’ll never be without some form of natural survival medicine when in the woods.
Author Bio:
I’m Kel, creator and sole moderator of www.everydaycarrygear.com. I’m all about family and living life to the fullest. I’ve spent a decade in the military and absolutely love it and welcome the next decade to come. I enjoy researching, reviewing and buying gadgets, tools and anything to do with prepping.
Did you know that there are many plants that grow in the forest that are a great form of natural survival medicine? Among these many different and safe medicinal plants are ones that can make the difference between a long or short outdoor adventure (Get my drift?) But you just can’t grab at anything that looks green and leafy and expect it to be just what you need. You really do have to conduct some of your own research to ensure that you can properly identify what is safe and what is deadly. That’s why in this article you will find the most common species found in the wilderness and what they are good for:
Source link: https://prepforshtf.com/natural-survival-medicine-you-can-find-in-the-forest/ by at prepforshtf.com