If the calendar didn’t make things clear, the rapidly descending temperature gauge in your truck should let you know we are headed into the frigid grip of winter. And as much as we love the changing of seasons, there’s no ...

It won’t be long before Santa is emerging from the fireplace to leave presents under your tree. But what will you be receiving this year? Will it be that new bowling ball you had your eye on, or a large ...

It’s the day before St. Nick’s annual drop-in. Now obviously, covering the entire planet in one night, while hitting an on-time delivery threshold any logistics company would be envious of, is a no small task. Accordingly, we encourage you to ...

There are self-help gurus out there who lament the concept of the New Year’s Resolution, claiming it creates undue pressure and impossible expectations. We say phooey to that—in our estimation, pressure creates diamonds (not to mention grilled cheese sandwiches, smash ...

Winter, as you may have noticed, is in full frigid swing. Long ago, Duke Cannon chose not to hide from the sub-zero and the slush, but to instead embrace them like brothers (OK, perhaps stepbrothers is more accurate.). Nonetheless, we’re ...

Heating one’s home during the winter via non-wood-fired sources—gas, electric, and so on—may be convenient, but what is lost when man puts down his chopping tools and just flicks a switch instead? Calluses, certainly, but also something deeper: the pride ...

Duke Cannon knows that hard workers come in all shapes, sizes, and especially, settings, but this ode is reserved for the hearty souls who brave the winter months and navigate sub-zero temperatures in order to earn their living outdoors. So ...

Much like Scotch eggs or the rich cinematic tapestry woven by Ernest Borgnine, ice fishing is one of those things you’re probably very much into or not all interested in. If you’re among those (heaven forbid) who haven’t yet decided ...

Today is Groundhog Day, and as you read these words a group of men in strange hats are descending upon a terrified rodent’s dwelling, determined to yank him into the light so that questionable meteorological predictions can be made. There ...

This Sunday, the big professional football championship the entire world watches is going to be played. And if you’re wondering why we are speaking in euphemism, it’s because the NFL and its hulking line-up of expensive lawyers protects the trademark ...